Why are results not typical?

>> Friday, March 26, 2010

This past Wednesday I celebrated my 37th birthday.

Not exactly a momentous event in someone's life, but I had what was probably one of the best birthdays I can remember.

I took the day off from work (sort of), went for a long walk in the park with my dog Cassius, tried a new fitness routine which I really liked, and had a nice, quiet evening with my family.

My wife got me this cake. It was amazing! (And yes, I eat cake.)

For many this sounds like an absolutely boring way to celebrate, but having a weekday to relax was exactly what I needed. I watched a ton of senseless television and loved every minute.

But as I sat there transfixed in my couch potato state of mind something caught my eye.

It was Marie Osmond (no, not for those reasons).

She was being featured in a NutriSystem commercial talking about her 40lb weight loss. Her story was powerful and inspiring and I could see why someone would want to pick up the phone and order.

But look closely at the bottom of the screen.

Did you see it?

It's a line that reads, Results not typical. It appears at least three times in this commercial.

I then started looking closely at the other weight loss commercials. There were a bunch from their rival Jenny Craig, along with other commercials promoting weight loss pills, yogurts, energy drinks and cereals.

Each one featured models, former athletes and B-list celebrities showing off how much weight they've lost.

But right next each person was that same line, Results not typical.

So I started to wonder, why are results not typical?

Why can't everyone see weight loss success from these products?

Don't get me wrong, I actually think some of these products have a place in a person's life. I simply want these companies to take more responsibility in letting the public know exactly what a person needs to do to see "typical results."

I want them to be honest and talk about what is missing from their commercials.

How to plan for success.

Exercise 3-5 times a week.

Enjoying food with out starving yourself.

A balanced life including managing stress and getting enough sleep at night.

A lot to ask from these companies, I know.

My goal everyday is to educate at least one person on what it really takes to live a healthy lifestyle. That's why I love conducting my healthy living workshops because I can reach large numbers of people.

I want us to get out of the mindset of the quick fix. "If I take weight loss product XYZ I'll lose 20lbs in two weeks."

Okay, then what?

Have you learned how to keep the weight off? Do you have the tools to eat right and exercise regularly?

I'm not saying I have all the answers, but as a fitness professional I believe that if you strengthen the heart and mind, the body will follow.

In other words, if you educate yourself and feed your soul, your body will transform in ways you never thought possible.

You can start to see "typical results."

I put together a report called 4 Simple Steps to Slim Down Success. It is based on some basic healthy lifestyle principles that I have used over the years to help my clients see life-changing and long-lasting results.

You can download it for free by clicking here.

After you read it I would love to get your feedback.

Have a happy and healthy day.



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