How to Walk Off Your Belly - part 3 (putting it all together)
>> Sunday, May 2, 2010
Okay friends, we've come to the final part of my 3-part series, How to Walk Off Your Belly.
If this is your first time joining us you may want to read the preceding entries, Intro-HiLo, Part 1-Ab Attack, and Part 2 - More Walk, Less Talk.
In Part 3, we're going to pull it all together. This entry is going to combine exercises from all of the entries for the purpose of bumping up the intensity, maximizing caloric burn and adding even more variety to your workout routine.
Enjoy, and as usual I would love get your comments regarding the workouts.
Target: Total Body
Time: 30 minutes
What you will need:
- Comfortable athletic shoes
- A watch
- Any outdoor space will work
- Fun, upbeat music (optional)
- A friend (optional)
- 2 or 3lb dumbbells or ankle weights (this is optional and I would only recommend using weights once you have mastered the proper form)
- Upper body - Chest up, shoulders back and down, chin up.
- Stomach - Keep your stomach tight while keeping your breathing steady.
- Arms - Elbows are 90 degrees and you're going to pump as fast as you can.
- Feet - When you step, act like you're pawing the ground (heel-to-toe), push off of the ball of your foot. MAKE SURE YOUR FEET LAND UNDER YOUR BODY, not in front.
- Overall - Keep your body relaxed and fluid. Careful not to let the shoulders rise up as this may cause extra tension.
The routine: WS = Walking Speed (1 = slow, 5 = basic walk, 10 = power walk)
Complete each exercise for 2 minutes before moving to the next one. See exercises below. Repeat this sequence as many times as possible for 25 minutes without stopping.
Warm-up: 2 minutes/WS 7 (dumbbells optional)
Arm Pumps: WS/10
Knee to Elbow: WS/5 (move at a pace that allows you to maintain form)
Arm Pumps: WS/10
Walking Lunge: WS (move at a pace that allows you to maintain form)
Arm Pumps: WS/10
Shoulder Press: WS/7 (advanced walkers may go up to a 9 or 10)
Arm Pumps: WS/10
Cool down: 1 minute/WS 4
Stretch: 2 minutes (for recommended stretches visit Part 2)
Arm Pumps:
The focus here is speed! Keep your elbows at a 90 degree bend. Pump your arms front to back as quickly as possible while you walk. Be sure each arm pump is in stride with each step you take.
Knee to Elbow:
Focus on form rather than speed. While walking bring your left knee up to meet your right elbow. The goal is have the knee and elbow touch. If you are unable to do this do your best in getting them as close together as possible.
Walking lunge:
Maintain your walking form, but stride out as far as you can with your lead leg. You should end with a 90 degree bend in your front leg and your back leg will be slightly bent. NOTE: Keep your back straight, chest up and eyes looking forward. You may place your hands on your hips to help w/ balance. If using dumbbells hold them down by your side as you lunge.
Shoulder Press:
Place a dumbbell in each hand. Start with your hands at shoulder level, palms facing one another. As you take a step press your arms up towards the sky until they are straight and parallel to each other. Continue pressing up and down while you walk. Maintain a tight torso by squeezing your stomach.
Good luck and let me know how it goes!
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