4 Easy Ways to Get Spring Fit
>> Thursday, April 1, 2010
I spent this week participating in one of my favorite chores - packing away my winter clothes.
I know what you're thinking, "who has a favorite chore?"
It's not necessarily the chore of packing that gets me excited. That in itself is pretty boring. I like the symbolism.
Spring represents a time for change, new opportunity, a fresh start, rejuvenation. It's a time to shake off the winter blues and enjoy the longer, sunnier days.But for many this can be a frustrating time of the year as well.
You may find that your favorite pair of spring jeans from last year don't quite fit the same. You may also find it to be true with t-shirts, blouses, or shorts.
And to add to the disappointment, you step on the scale and realize you gained 5-10lbs. over the cold weather months. All of this is enough to bring back those winter blues.
No to need worry anymore because I have a plan that's going to make you look and feel better.
I'm not here to talk about why your clothes don't fit you anymore, we'll save that for another time.
I'm here to help you look your best in your spring clothes, and even better, keep you looking great well into the summer months.
Wouldn't it be nice to go shopping for a new bathing suit rather than clothing one size larger?
I have provided you with 4 Easy Ways to Get Spring Fit. Although the word "easy" can be interpreted many different ways, also feel free to plug in the word "realistic." Forget quick fixes and starving yourself, this is straightforward, result-producing stuff.
So, if you are ready to lose the winter weight, frustrated because you're not seeing the results you want or you simply don't know where to start, let's get going.1. Create a Plan for Success: "If you fail to plan, plan to fail."
Whether you are trying to lose 5lbs. or 50lbs., doing it without a plan will ultimately lead to frustration, inconsistency, and lack of motivation. Even worse, it can even lead to weight gain.
A common mistake most people make when coming out the cold weather months is thinking they can lose all their winter weight overnight.
Don't get me wrong, I'm all for positive thinking, but as I said before I'm not here to give you a quick fix. I'm here to deliver the truth about how to not only lose the weight, but keep it off in a smart, realistic way.
Here are the key components to creating your plan for success:
Simple - Start with a very basic, simple goal such as "I will walk for 15 minutes over my lunch break three days a week."
Measurable - It is important to measure your success. In other words, ask yourself, "how will I know if I've reached my goal?" One simple way is to quantify your goals and match them up how you're feeling. Ask yourself, "On a scale from 1 - 10 (1=low, 10 = high), how confident am I that I will reach my goals this week?" You can do this daily or weekly. If you answered 6 or below you may need to re-think your goal and figure out how you can make it a 9 or 10.
Accountable - The number one reason people sign up for our Slim Down fitness program or our Personal Training program is accountability. They have tried to lose the weight on their own and have seen little success.
It's not that they're lazy or don't have the ability to lose the weight. The fact is it can be tough to reach your fitness goals on your own. To build a support system pick 2-3 good friends or family members and tell them about your fitness goals. Ask for them to check-in with you on a daily or weekly basis to see how you're doing. Or you can even go so far as reporting in to them.
Recently a small group of my friends decided they wanted to get their bodies ready for a beach vacation they're taking in July. I suggested putting together a blog where everyone can post goals, recipes, workout routines, updates, etc. It's free and it's fun.
Realistic - "I want to lose my 10lbs. of winter weight in two weeks." Doable yes. Realistic? Maybe not considering prior to today you weren't exercising at all and you had your favorite Chinese restaurant on speed dial. Be honest with yourself and select goals that you know you are capable of reaching. We'll save the tougher goals for down the road when you've built up your confidence and learned the proper tools to succeed.
Time sensitive - Pick a clear start and end date. To start you should have 2-3 goals to work towards. I would recommend one fitness, one nutrition and one personal goal. Each one may have their own time line. The important this is that you are tracking them. One simple way is write them down and place them where you will see them everyday such as your fridge, computer, car or desk at work.
2. Eat:
Now is the time to say bye-bye to those heavy comfort foods that you indulged in over the winter. Say hello to nutrient rich, power foods. But don't worry about overhauling your eating overnight. We're going to start by taking realistic baby steps.
One of the best ways to do that is to incorporate healthy snacks into your daily eating. Check out nutrition expert, Adriana Ramnarine's tips.
"First of all, when it comes to snacks, remember a snack portion size; studies have found that people tend to eat more of low-fat foods, ultimately taking in more calories. With this is mind, try to keep snacks between 300-400 calories, adding them in between regular meals. Eating 5-6 times a day, or once every 3-4 hours helps to satisfy your appetite, limit overeating, and maintain blood sugar levels.
My favorite snack guide comes from “Eat This, Not That! Supermarket Survival Guide” by David Zinczenko. Zinczenko suggests pairing apple slices with a low fat cheese stick, or chowing on baby carrots with guacamole or hummus. Don’t forget the original day care snack, Ants on a Log: celery sticks with peanut butter and raisins. For lasting energy when snacking, shoot for high protein and not high carb. If you’re having a carb craving, let food labels help you decide. For example, a whole grain bagel has about 250 calories, while an English muffin has 120. Snack away!"3. Move:
After a long lay off, getting back into a fitness routine can be tough and figuring out where to start can feel overwhelming.
An easy place to begin is by simply getting outside and enjoying the sun. Research suggests that light hitting your skin, not just your eyes, helps reverse seasonal affective disorder (SAD). In other words exposure to the sun can shake off the winter blues. Plus the vitamin D is great for bone health.
And if you're looking to be more active, which I'm sure you are, being outside increases the chances that you'll be more active by walking, gardening, even shopping.
Want to bump it up a notch? Join us for one of our Saturday Slim Down fitness classes in the park.
Spring Fit workout to follow.
4. Balance:
Out of the 4 areas in your plan, this may be the toughest to grasp.
Because it is going to require putting yourself first and making your health a priority. This can be uncomfortable as you may have never done it before.
It may mean having to tell your boss you can't stay late because you have a "prior engagement." This prior engagement may be a yoga class, gym time, or attending one our Slim Down fitness classes (shameless plug).
You will have to start recording your favorite late night talk shows so you can get 8-10 hours of sleep each night.
You may have to tell your significant other to watch the kids while you go to a fitness class.
Balance comes in many other forms as well - taking a vacation, spending time with loved ones, reading a book, managing stress, getting a massage. No matter the form, this is all about self-care. This is all about YOU.
To be continued....
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